Weekly Uplift – June 19, 2015
All the content we’ve enjoyed over the past week from industry leaders in website optimization, marketing, and everything in between.
5 UX Tips to Capture the Audience You’re Probably Ignoring
There is so much focus on how important content and design are that oftentimes it’s hard to anticipate how certain segments of your audience will respond. In this post, Usertesting points out that nearly half of Americans have low literacy, meaning they are often unable to understand posts without rereading it a few times, especially technical ones. While some topics certainly require technical language, many don’t and the beauty of this post lies in its advice on how to cater to a broader audience without sacrificing content or design.
Shopify and Facebook Annouce Expanded Beta Test for “Buy” Call-to-Action Button
In what is becoming an emerging trend in e-commerce, Facebook will begin to offer the addition of “Buy” buttons to certain Shopify accounts. These buttons will allow followers to buy directly from a company’s feed and shows just how valuable social media integration is to the future of the industry.
5 Ways to Improve Your Startup’s User Experience
This post hooked us with one single stat – that a panel with 5 participants will discover 85% of usibility problems. When confronted with that, it’s a mystery as to why more companies don’t utilize that method evaluate their site, but I digress. The rest of the post offers some clear and practical adivce to new companies on how to stay ahead of the user experience curve.
5 User Experience Mistakes Travel Sites Make
If you have ever researched hotels or plane tickets, it’s clear to see why travel sites are home to the highest cart abandonment rates. Users jump from site to site trying to save money while likly driving CRO experts crazy in return. But, according to Forisimo, all hope is not lost and there are steps sites can take to keep and convert shoppersm, the most encouraging of which (to me) is implemetning smart calanders for dates.
Interview with Jason Rzutkiewicz, VP at Razorfish
Our head geek at Uplift set down with Jason Rzutkiewics of Razorfish and discussed topics like how companies are constantly trying to decide how to get the most of their next dollar and how to deal with managers that are not data-driven. Thanks to Jason for taking the time and providing some great insights into how he manages and utilizes all the services Razorfish has to offer.